Cycles, Consistency and Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Fertility

Every cycle offers an opportunity to improve fertility outcomes and TCM offers support in every phase. We talked about this at the fertility event, and wanted to explore this a bit more in-depth in this piece.

Phase One: Blood phase or your period – days one through five of your cycle. Estrogen and progesterone are at a zero hormone level. Here we want to see blood moving freely – with flow, color and consistency:  no clots, excessive cramping, bloating nor spotting before or after your period. We use Jane Lyttleton Jade Moon Phase 1 herbal supplement if you’re having issues with your menses and target points that move qi and blood, tonify the liver organ system, nourish blood and prepare for the next phase.

Phase Two: Yin phase or your follicular phase - this begins when your period ends and lasts 12-15 days.E strogen starts building and so do the resources needed to release a mature egg in preparation for ovulation. Estrogen is peaking and we might recommend taking Jane Lyttleton Jade Moon Phase 2 as well as points like Kidney 6 and Zigong Xue to support this process. In addition, we might add Celluma LED light therapy to stimulate follicle growth for egg quality and quantity.

Phase Three: Yin and Yang phase or ovulation days. This is when the egg will make its way from the ovary, down the fallopian tube in search of sperm and land in your uterus. We want to make sure the lining is thick and vascularized to be a nice, cushy pillow for the egg to implant. During this phase we may use Jane Lyttleton Jade Moon Phase 3, gently tonify the liver and support the kidney organ systems,  move qi, nourish blood and yin and promote yang—the energy needed for progesterone . . . and the next phase.

Photo: Elix Healing


Ovulation isn’t just a 24- hour period – it can be up to 72 hours for peak ovulation to take place. Basal temperature readings are extremely helpful to predict when ovulation is occurring for you in your cycle, and very helpful for me as your practitioner when we look to optimize conditions for fertility. 

Phase Four: Yang phase or your luteal phase. Yin has transformed into yang. Progesterone is now increasing all the way through the end of your cycle. Either your egg will be fertilized and  implanted in the thick, nourished lining, or it will be released with menstrual blood during your period. Here we might recommend the use of Jane Lyttleton Jade Moon Phase 4 to support implantation, gentle blood flow to the lining and to secure the embryo.

Tuning into your cycle’s phases, and consistent use of Acupuncture and herbs have been shown to increase fertility outcomes during IUI by 65% and with IVF, treatments improve live birth rates by up to 33%.

I designed my fertility packages to be used specifically over a period of 90 days to optimize outcomes, based on the length of time antral follicles mature into a healthy egg. Consistent, weekly Acupuncture treatments over the course of 3 cycles or 90 days, can assist in creating a healthy, high quality egg, and plump, cushy lining that optimizes all the conditions for a healthy conception. 

Wherever you are in your fertility journey, whether trying to conceive naturally or with IUI and IVF reproductive therapies, consistent treatments can help support every phase in every way. Nourishing your lining, balancing your hormones, optimizing egg quality and quantity and reducing your stress are just some of the beautiful ways TCM can support you on your journey.

I’m always so honored to work with women wherever they are at and facilitate the best possible outcomes for conception and pregnancy.




It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right


Five Ways Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Helps Improve Fertility