Five Ways Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Helps Improve Fertility

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been clinically proven to help fertility and pregnancy outcomes. Used at a stand-alone or as an adjunct to IVF/IUI, these modalities have beneficial and therapeutic effects across the spectrum from pre-conception all the way through pregnancy and delivery.

 Here are just five of the ways it can help you achieve a successful pregnancy and delivery.

1) Hormone Balance

 *Hormone imbalances are the leading cause of infertility in women*. Imbalance occurs when the body has an excess or deficiency of one or more hormones, which can impact each other, and chances for conception and pregnancy. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can balance hormone levels at every stage of a woman's cycle by regulating all the hormones involved – from the biggies like estrogen and progesterone – but also LH, FSH, AMH, thyroid and the HPA axis.

  • 2) IVF/IUI

    Acupuncture and Chinese medicine enhance assisted reproductive fertility outcomes with consistent treatments, and treatments scheduled around transfers, by doing the following:

  • Reduce systemic stress and inflammation and promotes relaxation

  • Balance hormone levels in preparation for an IUI, retrieval or frozen transfer

  • Address diminished ovarian reserve for improved egg quality and quantity

  • Facilitate blood flow to the uterus for improved uterine receptivity and implantation

  • Improve ovarian function for better egg quality and quantity

  • Reduce side effects of IVF medications

  • Improve blood flow to the endometrial lining

  • Reduce uterine contractility during implantation

  • Reduce risk of miscarriage and repeated pregnancy loss

  • Strengthen the immune system

  • Pre and post transfer treatments support uterine receptivity and implantation

 3) Advanced Maternal Age

 Advanced Maternal Age is defined as women 35 years of age or older at the time of giving birth.  Yet it’s important to remember it takes only one, healthy egg to conceive. 

 Consistent, weekly acupuncture treatments and herbal supplements optimize egg quality and quantity; focus on healthy ovarian function and ovulation; balance hormone levels; improve uterine blood flow and regulate the endometrium for successful implantation. I have worked with women of every age up to 53 to conceive and carry healthy babies to term.

4) Egg quality + lining

 Egg quality and the endometrium lining thickness is dependent on a variety of different factors which may include age, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune conditions, stress, diet, lifestyle and genetic factors. One of the best ways to improve the thickness of the endometrial lining is through Acupuncture. If the lining is too thin, treatments can address a woman's cycle during each phase from menses to follicular to ovulatory to luteal to plump and ready the lining for implantation. Eggs takes 100 days to mature. That means with regular, consistent treatments and the right herbs, egg quality can be easily increased and ready for conception in a 12 week period.

 In addition, photobiomodulation or LED light therapy known as Celluma®, can further boost the effects of treatments and herbs.

 5. The male factor

 Did you know that infertility isn't always due to ovarian reserve, thin lining, low progesterone or an underlying autoimmune condition? Women assume the problem lies with them when 40% of infertile couples have to do with male factor infertility. New sperm generates every two to three months. Regular weekly Acupuncture treatments and herbal supplements can improve quality, count, shape and volume to further maximize chances of a healthy conception and pregnancy.

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Cycles, Consistency and Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Fertility